i bought Doom yesterday for $35 and have not seen the promo credits in my account, do they show after the transaction is finished? or did i miss something? thank you
That is correct, once the item has been received and the transaction completed, you’ll get a notification in which you’ll need to press in order to trigger the Credits into your account. Also make sure that the item was purchased within the time frame of when the promo started.
I also came across a problem with this promotion. I bought a Pokemon game about two hours ago, but I didn’t receive a notification about these credits. Wasn’t this promotion live 7 hours ago? Can I still get the credits or do I need to buy a different thing?
Please make sure that the item has been rated and completed before the Credits notification will show. As well as the promo will be tied to the first purchase you made within the time frame of the promo. If you still feel that you did not receive the Credits for a qualified purchase, please contact Support and we’ll be able to look into your account and better assist you.
I am having same issue. I bought a Amazon GC for 91.50 dollars and all transactions are complete, but the final email doesnt mention the credit.
I offer is still valid on Gameflip home page.
I hope its resolved by tomorrow as i wanted to buy PSN card and the flash sale ends tomorrow.
Please make sure to look in your Notifications, as you will need to click on the Credits notification to be triggered into your account. If you are still having issues, please contact Support and we’ll be able to look into your account to better assist you.