Account Locked (Under investigation.) until 2022-03-14T00:00:00.000Z


A buyer reported a code to Gameflip support claiming the code I provided was put on hold. Even though Amazon said it was used successfully, I went ahead and accepted to give him the refund. Now I’ve waited until March 14 (Today) and my account is still suspended.

Profile code is: PN56JD

I would greatly appreciate your help! Thank you!

Account reinstated. Thanks!

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Hello @edmb,

I’m glad that your issue is solved.

Hope you have a great day!

Godspeed! :trident:

Hello dear,
I have same problem
Please keep me resolve that problem I’m member of the gam-flip since oct. 2019 fully verified my reputation is 97,1% had 802 sales and 500 positive feedback with couple of neutral and poor feedbacks thats normal i thing, as other sellers, today i see that my account was locked ( under investigation ), i never do that, I’m not able to sold anymore and i cannot withdrawal my money, i never stole and always helping my customer if there is any problem with gift code i resolve the issue when seller send message and tell me that have a problem, there is people that don’t know how to contact me and asking support for refund. All these people got refunded ( i have all emails and transaction that these people are refunded ) i never keep money on my customers, please if i I’m not able to sell anymore here tell me but give me permission to take my funds.

My profile number is: 5EZS4B

Thank you!


Hello @Preslav_Zakov!

In this specific case, please wait for the Support Team to answer your ticket ok.

I can see that your ticket was already assigned and should be answered soon.

Hope you have a great day!

Godspeed! :trident:

Yes, thank you for replay i got message from support.

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