Account Suspension overlooked.

My account was suspended for selling Alpha Key Codes which I was told was not allowed without warning this happened after looking through it there is no spot on the Game Flip Guidelines that prevents the sale of Alpha Key Codes.

Looking Further into my case I found there to be multiple sellers of the same codes and none of them have received punishment. These sellers have been brought up in Support tickets but the Game flip team has given me the same copy & pasted response. I’ve continuously asked them about this and was told to wait a full month for a review of my case.

Once waiting a full month I gave a full support ticket and was then given the same copy & pasted reply saying they will “look into the other people who have sold keys.” I’ve then made multiple responses waited more than a week and have been given no response to any of my tickets/replies.

Game flip without disclosing this rule anywhere has also not suspended any one else that has done this.

Reported losses: 150$

I waited about 15 days to unsuspend of my account here, it was banned also because of “Alpha Key Codes” selling. Frankly speaking I didn’t read rules of GameFlip carefully, so I lost about 15$. But GameFlip support team are really slow.

The Gameflip Guidelines mentions “Beta Code Sales”:

The sale of beta codes and Gameflip accounts is strictly prohibited on Gameflip. Doing so will put your account at risk for suspension.

You could assume “Alpha Codes” would be in the same prohibited group, assuming you are talking about codes sent to users to alpha/beta test unreleased games or updates?

Can you send me your invite code so I can check it for you?


Hey can you take a look at my latest post. I need some help with my account!