Hey, everyone, I am facing right now quite annoying issue. It seems like it’s full of Amazon scammers on Gameflip. What I mean by that is, buyers from all over the place buy cards and try to get away with not paying, perhaps it’s because some sellers accepted it in the past or whatever else reason.
The current issue I am bringing up is one where it’s already super absurd to even fight for cause anywhere else I wouldn’t have to fear about my funds. Perhaps some of you guys can talk some sense into the Gameflip team to improve the system to the point that these scammers can’t do this anymore. For this transaction there are SEVERAL RED FLAGS which shows me even more that these users do it multiple times because they know the Gameflip team will side with them regardless of the red flags and evidence.
So to give you guys some details, the buyer CONFIRMED via SCREENSHOT that the card worked fine, and that he received the 500 USD to his account but was strange from the first minute on, so I added all the red flags below.
How far does it go that a seller has to come up for a buyers fault? If I tomorrow buy cards on Gameflip and try to buy illegal stuff on Amazon and they place my card and account on hold am I insured to the point that the seller has to every time pay for it? Cause it would be a quite profitable business.
Red Flags:
- User sent a screenshot showing the card was successfully redeemed by the user
- User then suddenly said I won’t confirm because I first want to ‘test’ if the card works with orders
- The user then waited until the transaction was almost confirm to ‘suddenly’ say the card was placed on hold
- The user bought an item (Giftcard most likely) for only 10 USD to perhaps make sure the card gets placed on hold in hope to get a 2nd one or the 1st one for free
- User then suddenly kept asking for the receipt in hope they can’t provide it, saying he should get a 2nd card for free
- When the user was told I would report him to Gameflip and Amazon his response was, ‘go ahead I don’t care I just create new accounts’
- User said after buying ‘I first want to test the card’ stuff which regular and legit buyers NEVER say
- This point has to be highlighted, user mentioned he anyways doesn’t care because he anyways wins the disputes on Gameflip, which legit buyer would say such things?
So my question here is wow far does it go that a seller has to come up for a buyers fault? If I tomorrow buy cards on Gameflip and try to buy illegal stuff on Amazon and they place my card and account on hold am I insured to the point that the seller has to every time pay for it? Cause it would be a quite profitable business. Or buy something similar to this buyer a giftcard where I know the system places the card on hold. Most people know Amazon is very aggressive when users try to use an Amazon giftcard for a different giftcard, this user even said he buys cards regularly so how come he didn’t know?