I purchased 11 Amazon gift cards from a Gameflip verified seller with over 3000 positive ratings. I have purchased from this seller multiple times without any issue. However, I am now out $200 and looking for some help from Gameflip.
At the time of purchase, the Amazon gift cards were added to my account and everything appeared to be fine. Since the gift cards were redeemed through Amazon and I have not had issues with the seller in the past, I completed the transaction. Everything was fine until today when I saw that the funds from the gift cards I purchased from this seller are now being held by Amazon and have been removed from my account. I called to find out what was going on and Amazon said that the gift cards were locked and to contact the seller of the gift cards. Gameflip has no way for me to contact the seller, so I am reaching out to the forum for help.
As an additional note, this is happening 4 days after I purchased the gift cards, so the transaction would have automatically been completed if I didn’t do it myself.
@DunnBiscuit, I am mentioning you because it appears that you have been able to help people with this type of issue in the past.
Just responding to say I’m in the same boat. Same seller, purchased several $10 listings for $7.99. I’m hoping the seller will be able to resolve it, and reading your comment I’m hopeful that they might not be trying to rip us off and it could just be a simple mistake. Otherwise I’m out around $160. Please respond here if you hear anything new about it. I’ll do the same. Thank you.
I will definitely keep you and others updated using this forum. I haven’t heard anything yet from support or through the forum. If you haven’t done so already, be sure to submit a ticket through Gameflip support.
I am on the same boat with the same seller. I did buy total 35 gift cards worth $10 each.
I did submit the ticket to gameflip along with the email that i got from the amazon customer service.
Keeping my fingers crossed.
Hi there, Cat Gamer. You should add the Order IDs from the purchases you want help with so that the moderators can have a look at it.
They will also need proof that the balance is now on hold on Amazon, so If you haven’t already you should create a ticket here: https://gameflip.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and send screenshots from the held values from Amazon Giftcards along with the Order IDs from the purchases.
Since you already created this topic here you can then add the ticket number here on this post - this way you’ll be guaranteed to be seen ASAP (either via the created ticket or here on this post).
hi, im in the same boat being ripped off by seller Evgeniy Navikas. my gameflip name is Lou. my profile code is PV8BNJ. my ticket number is 461685. i have been ripped off for $100 (5 x $20 amazon). in my ticket i submitted a screen shot of my amazon account taking the gift card funds back by reversing them. it appears that this seller has done this to many people and this seller cannot be allowed to use your website to commit major fraud against so many of us. i hope to hear back soon and hope for a quick resolution to get my money back. the ids for my 5 purchases and a screen shot from amazon are below in case that makes it easer for my case to be resolved, thank you.
hi again. my gameflip name is Lou. my profile code is PV8BNJ. my ticket number is 461685. i just got off the phone with amazon and they have concluded their investigation and i was amazed to hear that the person who sold me the five $20 gift cards was the person who also redeemed them all! apparently this seller had pending orders using these gift cards and since the orders were pending the money on the gift cards was not yet used so that allowed me to redeem them on my account. but when the pending orders the seller placed were fulfilled, the gift card money was completely used up and when that happened amazon went ahead and removed them from my account. i asked them to please email me this info confirming that the purchaser of the cards was the one who used them and they did and ive attached that email here. they were not allowed to give that persons name for security reasons but they did supply me with an amazon order number from that persons account which is where they used the gift cards. they also listed the 5 gift card numbers in question, so my $100 was taken away by amazon because the seller committed fraud and used the cards right after giving us the codes. please see the attached message from amazon and i hope this is enough to finally get my money back. thank you.