Hi, I enjoyed this seller’s offerings and left good feedback. Just found out today that the seller banned me. Would like to know why?
Here’s her profile:
Josiele seifcvvfgghh
Hi, I enjoyed this seller’s offerings and left good feedback. Just found out today that the seller banned me. Would like to know why?
Here’s her profile:
The seller cannot ban anyone. If you mean that you can no longer buy/comment on their listings, it is probably due to a block.
Sellers can block people. It’s up to the buyer/seller if they want to block someone. Gameflip cannot stop that.
Maybe you could get a friend to help you ask. We won’t know the exact reason.
yes, that would be it. no idea why she blocked me
is there a way to contact her after a block? wouldn’t mind apologizing for hwatever reason… she offers good discounts.
Some code sellers block buyers if they don’t complete the order and let it be completed automatically after 3 days. This could be a reason if you didn’t complete the order.
I completed it right away though…
Sadly not that I know of. Can try to ask through other people I mentioned in first reply
Looks like another seller banned me. Why??? After I bought an item from them, I get banned so I can’t purchase from them again.
Are you sure you are confirming transactions?
Yeah confirmed and even gave good feedback
I’ve found out why these sellers were blocking me. Because they were not able to scam me by draining the cards. I usually use these cards and don’t give the sellers any chance to scam me by draining the cards.
I believe these sellers are preying on gullible Gameflip gift card buyers who would keep the gift card around without checking.
Here are some negative feedback: Marry seifcvvfgghh - Gameflip
I am blocked by the seller @Eldanmon can someone ask him why?
hay there i was wondering why i got banned from Gameflip till 3rd January because i was not breaking any rules to my knowledge reason was for (spam listing) but i was “not” reposting under 24 hours. i was posting every 100 seconds and deleting the item every 28 hours after being posted is there any other rules that need to be followed to aviod this in the future profile code: BE6NCB
Hello @Dxverce,
I have verified your account and can see that the Support Team unbanned your account.
Hope you have a great day!
God Speed!
also i withdrawned 4 days ago and status is in transit i have seen 1 or 2 other people on gameflip forum who have the problem. i have been withdrawing for many months and it usually takes 2 minutes
same here! i even created a separate post here on forum for the same , there are few other people who are facing similar issue regarding wise withdrawal. Maybe its due to holiday rush!
feel free to follow it here
You say your not deleting under 24 hours but on your alt your spamming every 6 minute and deleting every couple hours with only a 50 listing limit.