Do not buy from the seller “GameKong”!
My friend just had his switch account banned by Nintendo. They said the specific games (pokemon shield and astral chain) he received and redeemed (from GameKong) were bought with a stolen credit card, which is an insta-ban.
Hello @OtherJonny,
Could you please provide us an order ID for the purchase? We would like to further verify the issue.
God Speed! 
Another seller doing this? Jeez. This happened to a lot of us last month, there’s a few threads on here about it and other sites. If it’s your friend’s first time having an issue like this(chargeback) they should be able to get him unbanned but if it happens again it’ll be permanent. Time to stay FAR away from Switch codes on here.
I’ll have to get the order ID from my friend since it happened to him.
He’s been jumping through hoops and been on the phone for several hours all this past week. Still hasn’t been unbanned.
Hey @OtherJonny!
Thanks! This will help us a lot 
God Speed! 
Yeah, it’s gonna take ages lol
I was banned on 12/6 and my account was finally given back on 1/16. I wish him luck and hope it’s faster though!
So I am the unlucky guy who otherjonny was talking about. I’ve have already sent screenshots of everything to Gameflip support this morning. I haven’t heard anything back.
Pokémon Shield Order ID: 06de2883-2f81-4c2b-a4e8-59917d9dab74
Astral Chain Order ID: b9413933-8a87-45fb-8e26-de14a25fbfb9
I would contact Nintendo via phone ASAP send them screenshots of the purchase and the refund from Gameflip if it happens. Like others have said to get my account unbanned it took a month.
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Thanks. I’m waiting to hear back from Gameflip. I already talked with Nintendo and got the ball rolling.
OMG I bought two games from him. FML!
Should I immediately contact Nintendo? And let them know what i have found out? Or should i cross my fingers and hope the games i bought ( Different from yours) are not stolen?
So I don’t know. Maybe he bought a bad batch from someone. But the two I bought from him are what got me suspended/banned. Otherjonny bought from him too but he didn’t get suspended.
Did you get banned right away? I got shield from him a few weeks ago, then I got Dragonquest 11 and super Mario Maker from him, a few days ago.
So all of a sudden on Sunday I had an urge to check the Nintendo Eshop and it said I had to log in. It wouldn’t let me log in and it said that my account was suspended.
Ah so you were banned sunday, when did you buy the games? The day before?
It says 5 and 9 days ago. So the ban was Sunday. So last Friday and Monday.
Update: the suspension was lifted but if it happens again it is a guaranteed Perma-Ban. Thanks for all the help and support.
im happy that the problem was solved, did you also get refunded for the games by Gameflip? or did the seller manage to withdraw the funds?