Document Verification Question

Hello. I’m new to gameflip and a few days ago I bought a bunch of itunes code with the idea to resell them(have to do something for extra pocket money) , and I paid with my credit card. All of the transactions were under review, until I received an email saying that I need to take a screenshot of my bank statement showing the transactions. I did so and then they released my orders. I asked if I can do anything do avoid this, and the only thing was confirmation. At first I thought that I only had to confirm my credit card and I did so and gameflip approved my card. But today I bought something for $0.75 and my order is under review again. Do I need to send gameflip ID, and mobile phone bill too?
My big question here is, do I need to be 18+ to confirm my id or will gameflip approve my id even If I’m under 18? Thank you!

Hey, the site is intended to be used by 18+. Thus, you should send photos of your ID and phone bill and any other information the CS team requests so the can properly verify your account and kill this review precess if possible.


Well, I did sent you the right info. Also you rejected my request with the reason “to send a picture of the back of the id”. I did sent a picture of that. My id has nothing on the back of it.