FAKE GAMEFLIP SUPPORT <gameflippayments@gmail.com>

Hello guys
Last day I listed some of my stuff and today saw that someone who is interested wrote a comment, however, I got an Email from gameflippayments@gmail.com that telling me your Item purchase, send the code to buyer ASAP. the cool part is I registered Gameflip with a different email address and got this Email via the contact Email that I put on my bio!

Gameflip emails should come from @gameflip.com
Another user faced this scam recently. You can avoid this by not posting your email address publicly, only do so in private exchange messages. Try adding no-reply@gameflip.com to your contact list and automatically highlighting them.

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Yeah, I posted my contacting Email address not the gameflip email address.
the contact list is a good solution however.

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