today I want to draw your attention to the fact, that my good trading buddy Fresh Top End got banned from this site.
I noticed that issue today, because of ordering from his store. Almost all of the time he responds within 10 minutes and he has all the listed items in stock for sure (due to the fact that he is one of Rocket Leagues biggest traders.)
This time was different. I hit him up after a few hours of not responding and he told me, that he couldn´t see the order I´ve placed, due to the fact, that he was banned. I know him for quiet a long time now and I don´t understand why he get´s banned from this site for doing nothing wrong.
I hope you can fix this issue fast, because 100´s of other customers, who didn´t knew him earlier, can´t have contact to him due to the ban and they will be really mad about not getting their goods.
Thanks for the help and I hope you can solve this problem fast,
kind regards