Help me resolve the dispute

my code: LW9TFL
order id :3f93c9b4-4012-4ee7-975a-9f068f553b1c

I have been open the dispute for 14 days and the seller has no reply. I don’t know what I should do. I tried to contact the seller but the prompt user does not exist.

This code has been used. I tried to query the activation time but it failed.

In this way, gameflip does not care about this trading order.

I still have a lot of orders to automatically close the dispute, even if the seller does not have any reply, I am very scared, I will not dare to buy any code in gameflip.

Please help me with gameflip to solve this dispute, the seller can not find

That seller is suspended.

Create a ticket Here

Hello! I was just able to cancel the transaction for you.
