Before buying, make sure you register or sign in if you already have an account.
Use our search or the drop down menu to find what you want to buy.
Once you select a category, you can also use the filters for that specific category
Now that you found your item, read carefully all the information the seller provided
In our example, you can check the type of listing, balance of the gift card, currency accepted.
Down below you can check the platform, delivery method and time of delivery and region restriction
If you are still unsure about your purchase, you can send comments to the buyer asking about the product (remember you’ll need 5 feedback score before being able to comment, this is a security measure)
If everything seems ok now, click Buy
If the item costs less than $10 and above $100, you will need to add funds first, if not, you may proceed with your purchase.
Clicking on Add Funds will redirect it to your wallet. Remember that added funds can only be used to purchase items, and cannot be withdrawn or refunded.
In order to add funds, select the payment that best suits you.
See here the countries that are supported for credit cards payments.
When you add funds or make a purchase, you will be charged fees.
Check more about these fees here.
After selecting your payment method, check your billing address to see if everything is correct and click on Confirm Adding Funds
After this point, we might ask for verification.
Here you will be asked to enter a simple 4 character code.
You will then receive an email from us with further instructions.
If you used the credit card payment method you will need to login to your credit card or bank account used for the purchase to find the 4-character verification code. The code can be often be found on your payment statement under Activity
If you used Paypal to purchase, we will send an email to your Paypal email address with the 4 digit code and a link to confirm the purchase.
Your payment can also fall under review, this may happen due to some factors, please contact us so we can explain and help you further with this.
Here you can press Open and send your documents for verification.
Your information will be encrypted and kept securely on our server.
This review normally takes from 24 to 48 hours to be completed.
If we need more information we will send you an email asking for confirmation about this purchase.
If there are no problems with your purchase, it will then be completed and your funds added.
Then you can proceed to buy the item selected: