My account got suspended ! Please active it

Today I got email from gameflip that my account is suspended. The reason is conducting sales outside gameflip. I have not sold any code outside gameflip.

Yesterday I used vpn but not intentionally. At the time of buying from gameflip I forgot that i was using vpn cause vpn was connected in my mobile. The country i saw was united kingdom at the vpn. My profile code is 55T4M6 . My score is 680 .

I removed the vpn a few hours ago when my paypal notified me for suspicious activity. What I have done was completely out of conciousness.

I do appolozise for my activity. I hope you guys should understand. Please recheck my issue. And active my account please. The account means a lot to me. Gameflip doesn’t have any live chat if there is any I can immediately knock and inform my unintentional mistake.

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Hello, as I checked, your account was suspended since you were direction users to make deals outside the martkeplace. (it is written to contact you outside the marketplace).

We sent you an email with an warning, but since you didn’t change the description you were suspended.

Now, I unsuspended your account, please change your profile description. if this isn’t changed your account might get suspended again.

Thank you.

thank you so much ! I have already removed all the description. I have not seen the warning mail and I do sorry for that. Thanks again for unsuspending my account

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