My holds have been pending for more than a week

My holds have been pending for more than a week on the account I use to sell things a scammer had a low price on a gift card nd&& I bought it nd&& it did not work I posted a picture of the code not working in our contact sellers messages on my other account ItsDarkvoidOG been waiting on you guys to investigate it for about two weeks now

You already made a thread here. The mods look through every post daily so don’t worry about thread visibility.

Nd&& also my code is 3CW5SB

Hello, have you contact our support team? I’m not finding any tickets from you. If so send me via PM your ticket number so I can better understand your issue and help you further.


I can’t for some reason every time I click it it sends me to this website nd&& the only thing I done was start two disputes that’s been up for almost two to three weeks

I need your invite code and the transaction IDs so I can find the disputes.

Please, PM mee with that information so i can help you further.

Thank you.