I’ve tried to withdraw my money via bitcoin multiple times now but everytime my application is being rejected due to whatever reason. Eventhough I’ve uploaded like 6 different pictures of me holdeing my passport, dirver’s license etc. next to my face.
Could you please tell me why my application is being rejected everytime?
I, too, payment is expected tritium per 1000$. How long will we have to wait your money? (PayPal)
I asked for payment today, how much time should I receive?
I requested withdraw on Oct 10, 2017, price is $99.87. I’m really dissapointed. Why should I have to wait on my transaction like 4 days now? My ticket ID is: #155945 - there is my invite code too… Please take a look and send me money soon as possible.
I cashed out 5 days ago, and people that cashed out later than me have received their money. wtf ;(
Hi i just wanted to ask, it’s been three days since i cashed out but it’s still on the verify process. can you help me this sir @op_JOkEr . Thanks!
Do you fit the requirements?
We’re still processing payouts from 10/9. We’re processing them in chronological order and the 9th and 10th had thousands of payout requests.
That’s exactly what i did joker yet still it was rejected like 3 times. the 4th one is pending atm. Could it be that the Exodus wallet is not accepted here? Other than that I can’t think of any other problem honestly.
3 days ago I cashed out and so far nothing, I cashed out Wednesday and so far nothing, what do I do?
either just wait or you can PM op_JOkEr with your Invite code + your account name + you saying that you own that account so he cancels the pending payout and you can use that to shop at the marketplace. Its atleast what I did with one of my pending payments because I saw a nice knife over there. That’s the 2 possibilities you have.
Ok, thanks for the reply, but I’ll wait, he said it’s on the 10th and my payment was on the 11th.
@op_JOkEr I know you said we just have to wait but this has been almost 5 days. Can you please look into my case. I got 98$ that need to be approved. My code is: ZTRCXF. Thanks!
@op_JOkEr Would you be able to cancel my $97.02 Payout? I would like to keep my larger one but Cancel the smaller one. My code is FTBJJ9
Thanks so much!
PM me your invite code so I can take a look.
payouts from 10th and 11th still needs approval ;/ sent You PM Joker
I’ve waited 5 full days now. Staying optimistic but if as of monday-tuesday I’ll be more than worried.
I’m still waiting for money that I requested withdraw on Oct 10, 2017, price is $99.87. I’m really dissapointed. Why should I have to wait on my transaction like 5 days now? My ticket ID: #155945 - there is my invite code too… Please take a look.
You say that payments are being processed from oldest to newest, yet my friend that requested the payout after me received his payment two days ago while I still haven’t received mine four days later. What’s up?
Today marks the 5th day I haven’t received my payout and it’s really starting to get frustrating. Any idea when payout requests from October 9th will be sent? I’m really trying to be patient but I need the money