Problem adding Fund

hi, im a new buyer in Gameflip. Is there anyway i can add fund more than USD 100 at a time? i encounter decline of transactions when i add fund , (the next day). is there any regulation state that i can only add fund after few days ?

Hello @innogamer38,

Could you please provide me your invite code so I can take a look into your account?

Also, there is no rule regarding adding a certain amount of funds in a determined amount of days. You are just not allowed to add more funds if you have a purchase under review ok.

Also, since you created two topics for this, I will maintain this one open and close the other one ok.

God Speed! :trident:

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Hello @innogamer38,

If your account is fully verified for purchases (ID and Payment method), reviews on your future orders should reduce.

You might need to verify again if you make a high dollar purchase or change payment methods.

God Speed! :trident:

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