Request Payout Please help

Hello guys,

I have a general question about request payout.
I am trying to sell Rocket League item (PC) and guy said ,
i put you here screen. He put me screen shot about transaction complete.
than he tells me i must give him item and then request payout.
Is it true? Cause i dont know how is it here works. And must i have money on my paypal account or not?

Hey Mentor,

Please, do not do that, this is a scam. Can you tell me who told you this? His account or any relevant information?

Please check the link below on how to sell Rocket League items:

If you still have doubts, just tell me.


I dont think i have cause it was first contact with guy from here so i just tell him ,
I am not ready trade cause i dont have that much information.
Please can you tell me a steps of buyer and seller? Cause i dont get it from hint.

Hey, the steps for selling:

Now the steps for buying:
