Hi. Would like some advice. I purchased a Google play code, and the delivery method was set to the seller delivering in approximately 1 day. I have messaged the seller. It has been 4 days. Any advice on what to do next if seller does not deliver in the next few days? Ultimately, can this purchase be cancelled by support and/or a mod? Thanks in advance.
yes it can be, just go to the support site and Tell them to cancel the order for you and don’t forget to give them your order id!
Hi. I went ahead and opened the support ticket. I hope support has had a chance to catch up. However, if otherwise, I would very much appreciate it if any of the mods could take a look. @MajorTom @DarkKnight @DunnBiscuit
Support ticket is 479960.
Order ID is 52e62c9d-e235-4dfb-b2a8-4875b7bf40ec.
Profile code is 7FYYSA.
Thanks in advance.
Hope they respond to you soon bro
Hello lmdedgxx,
After further looking into this, I went ahead and canceled the transaction for you.
I’m having the same problem. I’ve verified my information and I am still in the pending state with my purchase. The bad thing is I submitted 2 open tickets and no response and I can’t message the person I am in the process of buying from.
@MajorTom will help you out when he response to you! don’t worry about that
Hey Kingb2121!
What is you invite code, so I could take a further look?
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