I`m new on gameflip and i need sunbeam , so i found this seller on gameflip, he seems trusted and in his profile tab "about " he place his discord, and when i ask about private deal not through gameflip , he say is ok and sent me his paypal email, so if i sent him money he will give me items, all will be ok ? because if i top up credits i pay fee and he lost some % of M
oney. Maybe someone can help meIs not allowed selling outside gameflip with people u found on gameflip.
Remember, if he scam you, you won’t receive any money back.
If u gonna ask people to buy/sell outside gameflip you might be banned.
Thanks for the quick respond. Im glade that i dont bought from him and asked bevor i act. Well, so whats happen now ?
idk it seens like fake screenshots
Do nothing, ignore him or tell him that u sell only on gameflip.
For 99% his is a scammer and as i said, gameflip wont give u money back if he scam you if deal will be done outside website.
That’s You ask about private deal, not him.
You can buy it on Game Flip.
But if You don’t want. Them how do You want to pay for it ? (post pigeon)
So i don’t know what is Your problem.
This screenshot look like fake , Pls mod need to check everything , because some bad guys will fake info and report some people who sell same product .
Hey everyone!
Unfortunately, I am not able to use an outside tool as proof to ban the user.
If the chat was on Gameflip, then I would be able to provide more assistance regarding this case.
Keep in mind that conducting sales outside of Gameflip is forbidden, will lead to a suspension and is uncovered by our Gameflip Guarantee Policy.
God speed!
OP stops replying here. I think he has nothing to say after being called out. Furthermore, no one will ever ask that question to report somebody