as long as underview is being really annoying for everyone, i would suggest u making another option for it, like if the buyer holded the transcation and then he solved the problem, he should wait till the support answer (probably after a day) , so i would suggest letting the buyer having an option to cancel the review him self, so we won’t bother the support.
Comments delete, lots of sellers may get some harrassment from some people, they may write on every of there listings " scammer , don’t trust " so i would suggest being able to delete such comments like those by adding Commends delete.
fushida games spammed me cuz i gave him one bad rating
For the Under Review, are you talking about when the Buyer puts it Under Review or when you make a purchase and it goes Under Review?
As we do understand the need for the Seller to be able to delete comments on their own listings, this is a huge new development feature which would take a lot of resources to build right now. We have noted this feature and hope to some day be able to develop it. However, in the meantime, you can use the Report Listing feature for this. Feel free to follow the steps outline in the following FAQ article and we’ll be able to delete the comment for you:
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Thank you for answering! I appreciate it .
I do mean by underview when the buyer puts it underview not when the buyer buys it and it stays underview.
The delete comments would be a cool feature for the sellers, since it helps them get rid of the spam, but also if its " Overpower " as some would say, at least being able to delete our own comments.
We definitely want to implement the function where the Buyer can take the transaction out of review, and actually this week are spending a lot of time on planing not only this new feature, but refining and polishing both Under Review flows. I don’t have a time frame yet on this new feature, but is something we should be working on in the future.
good i am glad. lets get this done its needed big time.