@DarkKnight @DunnBiscuit I need help with ticket id#785256 I sold a Verizon code and this buyer used it and after he completedly finished the balance reported me and and wanted to take advantage of me because that was my first trade I messaged him and told him I didn’t use the card I sold immediately after I sold the card to him I deleted everything concerning the card I found from my phone so as not to consume space and glitches not to occur I let him know I would never use the card and was waiting for him to show evidence only for him to go silent he was only silent and reading my messages and I checked the balance and found about $360 and he went silent and after days I kept checking I found $15 plus and immediately he used the card to zero he gave a negative feedback and reported me then I was asked to provide the information of which I deleted I found the video before I sent him the card and screenshot of balance and 300 plus and 15 plus and then again I don’t have a Verizon account to contact them with a computer so I called the customer service instead and all the information they asked for it is only the buyer who used the card that can provide them ashe was the one who used the card I provided the voice recording file the disheartening thing is my account was locked and put under investigation for about a month and I need to withdraw my sales proceeds of tomorrow which I need to sort some of my bills can you please help me hasten the resolution and I hope justice is served. Please note that I am one of the most honest sellers Gameflip has ever had so far my feedbacks should be checked as reference I resolve all my disputes amicably but this time the buyer is trying to scam me please help hasten the resolution of my issue and please help I lock my account please my profile code is DH3DKK. Thanks
@DarkKnight my account is still under investigation is there anyway the investigation can be concluded earlier please I need to get back to selling my profile code is DH3DKK thank you
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@DarkKnight it’s 8 days now I still await your help
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The support team is already assisting you inside the ticket.
Also, make sure to read the following help center link so you do sell forbidden gift cards again:
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