again re-posting

Check this profile please
3nd day he non-stop repost his posts . create 4-5 posts -> someone make new posts in 1-15 minutes after him -> he remove his old and make new instantly , as i know this is not allowed and violates the rules of the site but he totally don`t care

just for example links on 4 lots listed and deleted instantly when i start make posts and he make new instantly, and this re-posting going on 3nd day non-stop in his online hours .

time on screenshots , i make post - he remove his instantly and make new, like always …

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Hes been doing this forever


probably true xD

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100% true lol. he spam all time.

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5 days same ) post - delete - post and nothing xD is allowed? i can start do same ?

Been saying this for months now…get rid of api

  1. He wouldn’t be doing it if it wasnt this easy to post 100 times
  2. He wouldn’t be doing it at all if yall weren’t spamming all day
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that’s the only thing we can do while this guy covering 3 pages in less than hour spamming api , reported that before to @DarkKnight and waiting for response

and here more proofs about what i’m talking about , this guy and another one called direx used to fight the whole day by spamming each others

profile :


and it’s easy for moderators to check that

some older screenshots from previous days as he’s doing this for more than 20 days


more fake info please “3 pages less than hour” ahah really? liar) your account already on checking by admins with your listings deleting :slight_smile: so good luck , see you in one month ) posting one time per 30 minutes totally allowed , but speed re-posting to be always in most recent -> no :slight_smile:

admins can check that this guy was reposting more than 8 times in less than hours with zero sales of what he posted , so keep calm and behave like grown people t4kd

I didn’t see anything in this screenshot saying once each 30 minutes like you say , but still you post 8 times in less than hour with zero sales of what you post and they need to check that

probably you not smart so i explane you ,i can post 5000 listing but i didn`t spam with it , 1 time posting per 30 minutes is not ok?) , but post-> delete->post to be in most recent not allowed and this is what are you doing all the time) and all guys who answer in this topic confirm it too , so no need to make me a fool :slight_smile: so you broke site rules for not fair sales ) take care , soon your weekends :slight_smile:
btw why did you stop spamming after you saw the topic?)

i’m not here for young people fights , my replies were enough and spamming posts to cover the most recent page the whole time is not allowed and not fair selling so it’s against the rules of using gameflip , it’s clear in your posts and admins can check that by just visiting your page , so stay calm and again behave like grown people , end of line .

I have a simple solution,get rid of API support period,then it would make it fair for everyone.i hand make every single post I have ever made,it takes alot of time,dedication,and hard work to even get seen when everyone else is API spamming.if you get rid of it,at least then we could all compete fairly,because then everyone would be putting in the same amount of time and effort to make there listings seen.would even out the playing field for everyone instead of us just sitting back and watching these guys try and show who’s API ■■■■ is bigger lol.dont get me wrong,I love u both,and have done great business with you both,but this stuff is getting out of hand.we should all be working together as a community to help make this app the best it can be,and help each other out,especially you top guys who get 90% of the sales because of your API spamming.instead of trying to show who’s thing is bigger,why not work together,find a fair compromise,and all make money and run our respective stores.yall do what u want,you no my opinion,I vote to remove API support and make gameflip great again :joy:


^ @Noxcy tbh,It doesn’t bother me wether you agree with me or not,I could care less tbh,I don’t get all butthurt like some people if someone has a different opinion then me lol ^

So what,it would be less then all the posts now about everybody API spamming.only people that would post bitching about it being taken away are the ones who are API raping the site,which is the whole problem to begin with.just get rid of it,let everyone get back to an even playing field,limit the number of posts a user can make a day,and boom,problem solved,no more bickering about who can API spam more,no more bickering about how many posts are being made,if we’re all limited to the same cap,that would mean everyone would have to put the same amount of work in to maximize how many listings there are up on each individual store

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