Hello Beginners,
In this topic you will find all the answers of gameflip problems that you will face or something you need to know as a beginner in gameflip,
First of all i want to thank you so much for taking some time of yours to read this educational topic that will help you so much to be officially able to use gameflip like an old user of this nice platform.
1/. I’ve just signed up and i want to buy something that i want or i am interested in,
First before buying any item that you want, you need to verify your phone number by adding it and gameflip will send you a message to your phone number. this 2 photos will help you to know how to do that,
Keep in mind that gameflip do not accept voip numbers so you need to give them a real phone number.
After receiving the code :
the first required attempt is done,
know you need to get your account completely verified to avoid the popular problem and it is your Purchase is under review and that because the order goes through their fraud prevention system to analyze the payment information. If their system finds any anomalies with the transaction, your order will be placed Under Review so to avoid all that you need to supply them with your identity photos so to that you need to head up to the icon on the top right corner and click on wallet these photos will show you how to do that,
then click on ,

Also you need to verify your number phone so to do that you need to click on phone then click start, this photo will show you how to do that,
after that you need to wait like 24hrs and you will receive an email saying that your documents have been approved if all the documents were clear and readable also not fake or there’s any mistake.
and now you’re ready to buy without any problems all you need to do is go and link your paypal account or credit card also you need to add your billing address to start buying and to do that just follow these photos,
Now i can say your ready to go and buy any item you want without any problem.
2/. Some tips to not get scammed as beginner.
let’s say that you have found an item that you was looking for it for example a gift card and you bought it but the seller said to you rate me and you will receive your code in your gameflip email do not rate him because after you you do that you will complete the transaction and you cannot get your money back you can read how to deal with this problem by clicking on this gameflip help article :
also go ahead and read these two articles they are so funny and helpful to avoid scammers !
3/. gameflip gave me a coupon code how to Apply it :
just go ahead and read this gameflip article and you will find the solution
4/. How to change your gameflip theme :
there is like two themes you can pick your best theme that you like and apply it so easy to do that just go to the home page and scroll down and you will find :
Light Theme
click on it to change it to the dark one
Dark Theme
or keep the white one just as you want.
5/. I want to sell an item i have how can i do that ?
so easy to do that just click on the sell button in the top its near to your account icon then click on I have something to sell then Select Category of the item that you want to sell you will find Select Category
click on the item category that you have and select the platform that its working on then select the type of it, is it physical or digital then follow all next steps but make sure that the item is working perfectly before you sell it to avoid any problems you can face.
I hope this topic was so helpful to you guys and i hope that i ve covered all the important things that you want to know.
I hope you guys have a nice day and happy buying.