Hi, i sold steam gift card $50, but buyer claimed he cannot use the code because of region restrictions, i clearly stated my code only works in US since it’s USD steam gift card, but buyer took risk and bought it and he honestly told he wasn’t in USA and said he always not getting errors just only first time on my code and he asked to cancel and refund his money but i decided not because he saw my code already and afraid he might sell it to someone soon etc
He filed a dispute but he never submit the evidence, and when the timer countdown, i got the money, when i asked the code to steam support, it’s already redeemed, and buyer given me poor feedback
It’s clear buyer purchased my listing WITHOUT READING THE RESTRICTIONS I’VE LISTED THERE, and he might not aware about steam policy about using different currency than to their steam currency itself which he must read and updated into that as always
I am asking permission to remove my poor feedback if i am qualified, thanks
My profile code : 69WE1Y
Order ID: b0b3ba61-2cdd-4010-8528-09774b0acc63