The purchase was for a Far Cry 5 Gold Edition code. The code worked perfectly fine when I went to use it, and for days to follow. But, today I went to go play and get a notification saying that I need to buy this game. I got on the phone with Microsoft and Xbox support. After about 20 minutes on the phone the verdict is the original purchaser of the code used a fraud card, and it just was slow validating the payment. They told me they can’t to anything to help and the code is permanently revoked. Obviously the code worked so I accepted and rated the seller as I have done hundred of times. Am I completely out of luck or is this covered by the guarantee? I have no way of contacting seller as our chat closed when I rated. Just looking for help as it was $75 which is a significant amount of money. Any info or help if appreciated. Here is the order ID just incase an employee see this and can help. Order #: ecf17019-a17f-474b-8ea9-6bf664288836
thats really sad to hear bro 75$ is too much money , hope you get your money back and that scammer gets banned,
you should probably post your invite code incase the mods here will need it to check on your account
Ok thanks for the tips. This my first time wasn’t quite sure what they needed. Appreciate the help. My invite code is BXZU86
They of course will help you, but you Need to give them a proof like a pic of the notification or a screenshot with Microsoft support saying that the code was permanently revoked. That would bust the seller and ban him I think.
I sent that to them in a ticket after posting here. I wasn’t sure if the screenshots had any personal info so I figured I would just send to them or a PM if asked. Cheers!
I just answered your ticket.
Thank you.
Working on it. How do I take screenshots of any codes? I don’t have a capture device so can only take with my phone or what codes are you talking about? I know how to capture my games collection from the link you sent, just don’t want to send multiple emails. I also have an email from Microsoft confirming the cancellation if you want that
Just a heads up for the small market who may be interested… Mehdi Pioneer is the seller and they recently just posted one for $65 so be cautious if purchasing. Also do you think it would be beneficial for me to open up a conversation with them, or just let gameflip do their thing? Haven’t talked to a representative since Friday since I am assuming they don’t work weekends.
In your keyboard you have a screenshot button, so you can take screenshots of what we asking.
We will continue the converstion via ticket.
Thank you.