Dispute going on 2 weeks with no help from support

Can someone please review this disputed and please make a decision? I have provided all of the evidence and was then ignored…

Open Forum Topic: https://forum.gameflip.com/t/dispute-with-buyer-over-a-50-psn-card/14379

Dispute Link: https://gameflip.com/exchange_seller/03c2ce09-48d9-44be-877b-97302d7bbd5a

The order number is: 03c2ce09-48d9-44be-877b-97302d7bbd5a

My Inv Code: 4BQXPJ

Ticket (ID) Number: 300601

Direct Zendesk Link: https://gameflip.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/300601

I hope that someone hears me and can help. We can’t let the scammers win!

Thank You

Hello! I answered you via PM already.

Sorry about the delay.


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No worries. All is well that ends well. Thanks again!