Gift card transaction partially fulfilled but now seller is unresponsive

It’s been three days since the transaction began for a $500 Amazon gift card. The seller sent $100 on the first day (which I redeemed) but they have since been unresponsive despite my frequent comments. I will continue to keep the transaction open for the near future but I’m just wondering what would happen if they continue to be unresponsive.

I don’t want to get baited into a situation where I cancel the transaction and I get accused of being a scammer for redeeming the first $100.

Hello @Kaetif,

Could you please provide me the order ID, so I could take a further look?

God Speed! :trident:


Order ID


Has there been any update? If possible, I would like to finish the transaction as though it was for $100 at 20% off.

@DarkKnight It’s been about a week since the transaction. I need the money back as it a large amount. If nothing is done by tomorrow, I will have no choice but to cancel the transaction.

Did you open a dispute for this order? Since it is the fault of the seller, there really isn’t much support can do other than give you a full refund. Also, how did you keep the transaction active for a week?

They just never submitted all the codes needed.

I ended up cancelling the transaction and get a full refund. If the seller wants to dispute something in the future, I will cross that bridge when it comes but for now I need the money back.

Hello @Kaetif,

Sorry for the wait and happy to see that your issue was resolved.

I can see that the seller stopped responding after a while :confused:

Have a good day!

God Speed! :trident: