I want to know why it takes Gameflip so long to respond to tickets submitted in the app. I have had two instances in the last few weeks with people who come on my posts trying to ruin a sale or harassing me because they don’t like the price or that I won’t sell it to them for cheaper. I have submitted two different requests with screenshots asking what they will do about these users accounts and I have heard nothing. One was using language and calling me “a faggot ■■■” and “greedy” which hinders my ability to sell when I can’t delete their comments and it’s distracting for others. Also that is harassment and it looks like Gameflip does nothing about these people on the app. When am I going to speak to a real person who will deal with users like these people? So far nothing has been done and this is horrible customer service.
Hey @Joyp, please send me your report about these cases so I can help you further.
Send them where? On the forum or email?
I don’t know how to PM on the forum
Via PM here in the forum, Thanks!