Yesterday! I have put some code PSN on gameflip for sale!, After some " cancelled transaction ", My code still on sale, but code is redeemed by some one else. ( My code is legit 100% before )
I write scammer name is " S "
" S " bought my code => Then S will cancelled transaction ( Gameflip give " S " some second to do that)
-By some way, " S " still can see my code first , then fasted cancelled transaction ( I thinks that is bug)
Game flip said " The buyer has cancelled or unable to complete this transaction
Your listing is automatically relisted back on the marketplace for you "
My listing is automatically relisted back on the marketplace, Other buy the code => They got code already redeemed => Open dispute ( I think " S " see the code and used that …)
Because my code is legit 100%, and never have this problem before. I think that is new bug, new scammer tips.
Some image. ! i will post on reply because new user can post only one image
From buyer, who open dispute for me ( too many cancelled transaction ? )
@Giftcard247 the same happened to me with a few transactions, not just PSN. @DunnBiscuit i thought there was some kind of error from my end (thought it was shady when it happened but i overlooked it) now this post got my attention.
**My question to forum admins is @DunnBiscuit@Tali - when a buyer purchases a gift card does he have a small window in which he can see the gift card code and still cancel the transaction? This is important. If I post a lot of items for sale it’s easy to overlook when some of them get purchased then cancelled.
No he doesn’t. There must be a problem with his payment method, after cancellation item is re-listed back automatically. Buyer can only cancel order immediately after placing it and few minutes after. But even then he can’t see your code.
When the buyer sees the code, they will have to 1: open a dispute and escalate it so Gameflip can cancel the transaction.
2. After the dispute is opened, if the seller doesn’t respond in 5 days, the transaction is cancelled automatically by our system;
3. The seller cancels the transaction himself.
Buyer can only cancel the order immediately after placing it and a few minutes after. But even then he can’t see your code.
All codes are protected on the digital vault and will only be released to the buyer after the payment is approved and processed.
There is no bug here, so either your code was already redeemed, or you redeemed it by accident when checking its validity. I recommend contacting Sony’s support for further information (since you are selling a PSN gift card).