Discuss it.
I’m sure they have their hands full with lots of other problems! They get to us when they can.
You made four threads on the same issue [1] [2] [3] [4]. Please don’t spam the forums and note that it was the weekends when you made your report. If you want the moderator’s attention, you can private message them (orange button top right).
They don’t work on weekends, and from what I’ve been told before, they handle tickets in the order that they receive them.
I assume like most customer service ticket jobs, they have a quota they need to handle per day, they meet that, then don’t do anymore until the next day, so you’re basically just waiting till its your turn, which could be up to 2 weeks.
I see…feel so bad
What happened?
Hello @Volcano, you are wrong here.
We don’t have a quota as you said. We try to handle the highest number of tickets/issues/forum threads as possible.
The number will vary based on the cases we receive. There are simple and quick cases as well as hard and complex cases that take some time to resolve.
Thank you.
@DunnBiscuit Could you explain why it takes up to two weeks for a case to be solved then if you try to handle the highest number possible?
I’ve personally had tickets sitting for many days, where I’ve provided all the information, instantly, and still have had to wait.
Obviously other people are experiencing this too.
Currently I have two tickets sitting with you for almost 8 days now, I provided all the information within the ticket that is normally required because of how many tickets I’ve had to submit, and I’m still waiting for a refund.
Why are users, who are attempting to scam the honest userbase here, allowed to hold our money hostage for weeks, if you try to handle the most possible cases?
I work in IT customer service, and a week without even a simple “Hey we’re still looking into this” says to me that the technician met his quota for the day and just skipped over me again.
It is simple and I answered before:
The number will vary based on the cases we receive. There are simple and quick cases as well as hard and complex cases that take some time to resolve.
Also, as said, there are queues where the tickets seat and we try to answer from the oldest to newest, but as said, some cases take time to be solved, thus delaying the answer for the other tickets. Also, we are receiving a large influx of tickets due to the number of new users we have, this might increase the response time.
Please note: If the transaction isn’t completed, the seller doesn’t have your money.
The solution for this?
Currently, we are seeking more ways of giving support and speeding up the support process, so the response time tends to diminish. As soon as I have any news about this, I’ll let you know.
Thank you.
Hopefully you guys come up with more ways to help users then.
I’m currently sitting at 9 days without even a response except for you telling me that it might take two weeks for my ticket to be looked at.
I’ve missed a lot of sales, a lot of chances to purchase gift cards, a lot of games that went on sale, because I’m waiting for these tickets to be acknowledged by your team.
I feel like this is a little too long, even with you explaining the situation, over a week is a very long time to be issued a refund by someone who tried to scam me with fake codes.