Hello @Brandon_Maravilla,
I understand that you want it to be resolved as fast as possible. However, you have to take into consideration that some sellers try to scam as well. They cannot fasten the process because they have to look into proof from both sides and the time given for them to submit is the dispute timing. Some people might submit near the ending time.
Dispute is for the buyer and seller to come into an agreement where both parties can send proof and try to settle it on their own. If both doesn’t come to an agreement, the buyer can escalate the dispute to be reviewed and decided by the Support Team. Below VVV
Since you asked, if timer runs out and it isn’t resolved, you should contact Support which you already did. As long it’s real and you have proof, you will win. If buyer decides to escalate the dispute, there will be no more timer and the Support team will look into it.
Or if timer runs out and buyer did not do anything, the transaction will be completed.
Reference you can take a look at - What happens when the dispute timer runs out? - #2 by asiandudegames
This can let you have a better understanding of Dispute vs Escalate - Dispute vs Escalate(when to use)