Question about reason a seller cancelled a purchase

So, a seller cancelled a purchase of mine literally 5 minutes after telling them I have to get to bed, and put the reason as “desperate buyer”. I find that rude because I was in no way desperate, unless they simply think that trying to figure out a time we both will be online to trade is desperate. :unamused: Will that affect my account in any way? Messages below if anyone’s interested in them. I never spammed them, I would send a message 3 hours later or 8 hours later (due to work). Minimum would be an hour later if they sent a message while I was out of work/school.

I sent that last message at 11:45pm and then according to the gmail time, they cancelled the order 5 minutes after that.

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No, it probably won’t affect your account.

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Cheers. I was not sure if Gameflip provides some sort of strike on buyers if sellers put that reason.

They should. The seller is probably a child that cannot wait.

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