Seller in Dispute

hey i recently bought an xbox game and it was listed for the usa rrgion and as i tried to redeem it it said to contact the seller as it was not for my region he told me he would sell the code then refund me… what are my options to get my refund according to gameflips refund policy…

He is saving himself. I guess wait like few hours and if he doesnt sell it and cancel then file a dispute and escalate. They would refund You

Make sure to put the transaction on hold/dispute it. You aren’t required to wait while he tries to fix the mistake. It’s very easy to clear a dispute, but much more difficult to get a refund once it’s been completed if the timer expires.

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Its already in dispute and hes now still trying to get me to end the dispute and let him sell it and then pay me back the refund? im thinking of leaning more toward the escalate dispute…

so should i escalate immediatly as hes still saying i want to sell it first then refund?

I would escalate or inform him that you intend to escalate soon at the least as it doesn’t seem like he’s interested in providing a working code or refund on his own. There’s also no reason to cancel the dispute as you can leave those open for a long time if necessary.

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do NOT end the dispute, and in fact, escalate it. You have all rights to escalate the dispute/ receive a refund from him. Simply ignore any pleas coming from him, and wait to get your money back.

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i escalated it any idea on how long this should take?