Someone tried to scam me today.

Anyway, I’m one of the few people who sell legit Amazon gift card codes and that’s why my rate are bit higher. I’ve never had a problem, but today this guy bought a code and said that it was already redeemed. This didn’t make sense, so I contacted Amazon and I got the name of the person who redeemed it and when it was redeemed and it was after the person just bought the code. Before I did all of this obviously I asked him what’s wrong with the code and I’m able to provide a new one if something is really wrong, but after I told him that I contacted amazon and I got the name of the redeemer and such, he quickly closed the transaction and rated me positively.


Can you send me such information and open a ticket about that?

I find it very odd because Amazon do not disclose such information that you said they sent you.

I want to investigate these images.


Amazon doesn’t care much about privacy trust me, I’ve had my own information given away before. But you need to verify yourself and prove that you’re the owner of the code. The guy said he didn’t redeem it, and then they gave me such info and I sent it to him and he closed the dispute.

I’ve been dealing with Amazon for quite a long time, and they don’t share such information.

But as I said, please send me via PM the information you have so I can properly check it.

Thank you.