Spam on 2 interface API unlimited (Limit Post 5000?...)

Hello I was send message about this 2-3 days ago and still is the same
Every time when he not selling then start making spam.
Rporting this is all the tame closing and every day is almost the same.
This guy can’t normal selling without overlisting.
What i can do in this situation making exacly the same as him. Then all the time is more or faster even now he spaming on 2 API interface.
The limit of posts has probably been out of posts a few times.
For something like this API keys should be blocked.

Rather this is not normal.



12min ~12pages - 2API interface

Last 2-3 min

Violet color have no delay here. Only 5s what API need to create new post.
So I don’t have to say how many delays have others.

Revelace page?
This blocked or this overspamed ?


hi baby.
are you so numb that you think no one sees how you start spamming when I put up lots for sale? and you start creating your lots faster and faster so that there are more sales.
I understand that you don’t like me because you … don’t matter.
you spammed me in all the social networks that I have, then you spammed me under my sheets to create a fake complaint against me, now you are creating a forum topic
you not tired? Don`t forget Confirm Delivery and Rate me please so i can put Thumb up to you too!) Have a Great Day!)

Are you stupid or just blind ?
Two normal days and the same again?

ты опять меня обзываешь? уже порядком надоело если честно, я терпеливый, понимаю что ты бесишься из-за конкурентов, но еще раз начнешь меня обзывать я зарепорчу тебя везде где только можно

Arent you two sick of fighting yet? Kinda looks like you’re both spamming api🤔

The games dead no ones getting sales anymore. Time to move on boys

say this to this kid which cyberbullying me all this month xD
but yea very disappointed that the developers stopped developing the game (

Direx you dont have to hide lmao

1 Like

Yes yes , everyone are bad. Everyone touch You (I don’t know who touches you at home).
Ray, Barrera, Me and how many people yet?
Oh i was forgot You are this trustworthly person.
If thats me starts spam then then why You all the time making 2x more. If im making more then its rather impossible…

you seek? again your aggression, no one touch you , but your 99999 messages under my listings seems like you seek

You guys need to chill lol. Go look at me, v, and dipset. No ones getting sales like before. We had a good run…

I was asking . That You said it not me

Yes yes , everyone are bad. Everyone touch You :joy::joy::joy:

Looks exacly as Your posts list.
So you have the answer.

be calm :slight_smile: you reported for this long time ago ) so this fake provocative post can rest)
and this is just one of reports for your stupid spam and trying to kill my business :slight_smile:

That messages i have many …

I wana know show me when i was start make more post then You?
Even last time i was start make bc in this 2 minutes delay.
Then show me when ?

After this ?

there are next 4 pages after this…

you are nobody for me to prove and show you something) hide away)
just don’t make yourself a fool)

Becasue You cant…
And that’s why I don’t care about your opinion

злой польский ребенок xD все что мне надо было я уже отправил куда надо было, а тебе я не обязан ровным счетом ничего, для меня ты никто и звать тебя никак, обиженный мальчуган не более того

However, I prefer to wait for the moderator’s opinion
Not some kid

hope you got banned for this fake things xD