Morning All,
I noticed that along with the introduction of FLP that Subscriptions have changed. I’m not sure if this is bespoke and built for me specifically or if this is a sweeping change.
I couldn’t find any information or press releases around this but effectively it looks like Gameflip have done away with Gold and Platinum Subscriptions and replaced them with the GameFlip Club Subscription.
I applaud the extra option. Gameflip Club is something that I would definitely use if I was a small-scale trader selling the odd in-game item or rebundled game that I already had in my Steam Library. From my basic maths if you only ever sold $50 a month you would save $4 in fees a month.
For an individual selling in-game items on any scale or around $200 or more on Gameflip then the future seems unclear. Will my subscription simply lapse in the next few weeks or if I am already on this subscription will I be able to maintain it until I no longer want it?
Are there more subscription options in the pipeline for the in-game item sellers and larger scale sellers?
For me personally if I sold $200 a month’s worth and the Gold Subscription disappeared tomorrow then this change will hurt me a bit. My basic mathing tells me that I presently pay out $12 on my first $200 worth of sales. If Gold disappears and there is only the Gameflip Club Subscription then I will pay out $16 on my first $200. This doesn’t seem alot but the margins are pretty fine these days between Gameflip fees, withdrawal fees and Paypal fees/conversion rates.
What are your thoughts and for Gameflip can you clarify what the future/roadmap is with Subscriptions?
Brashen Games