Subscription Changes

Morning All,

I noticed that along with the introduction of FLP that Subscriptions have changed. I’m not sure if this is bespoke and built for me specifically or if this is a sweeping change.

I couldn’t find any information or press releases around this but effectively it looks like Gameflip have done away with Gold and Platinum Subscriptions and replaced them with the GameFlip Club Subscription.

I applaud the extra option. Gameflip Club is something that I would definitely use if I was a small-scale trader selling the odd in-game item or rebundled game that I already had in my Steam Library. From my basic maths if you only ever sold $50 a month you would save $4 in fees a month.

For an individual selling in-game items on any scale or around $200 or more on Gameflip then the future seems unclear. Will my subscription simply lapse in the next few weeks or if I am already on this subscription will I be able to maintain it until I no longer want it?

Are there more subscription options in the pipeline for the in-game item sellers and larger scale sellers?

For me personally if I sold $200 a month’s worth and the Gold Subscription disappeared tomorrow then this change will hurt me a bit. My basic mathing tells me that I presently pay out $12 on my first $200 worth of sales. If Gold disappears and there is only the Gameflip Club Subscription then I will pay out $16 on my first $200. This doesn’t seem alot but the margins are pretty fine these days between Gameflip fees, withdrawal fees and Paypal fees/conversion rates.

What are your thoughts and for Gameflip can you clarify what the future/roadmap is with Subscriptions?


Brashen Games

Well, that suck they stopped offering subscriptions, after that i will forced to make higher price for user, and if i will sell less here i will just move to other place to sell.

Hello, did you have the Gold subscription or the Platinum one active one this change happened?

We are actively reviewing the subscriptions and we will have an update next week.

We really appreciate your business, if you have any suggestion, please let me know.


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Hi DunnBiscuit,

I still have the Gold Subscription active but just not sure what will happen with it in the next few weeks when it would ordinarily auto-renew.

I’m glad to hear that you guys are working on more subscription options as the Gold and Platinum subscription were useful but obviously didn’t cater to the needs of all the sellers on the platform. Gold largely works for me and I can see how Platinum would be perfect for anyone selling in-game items only but I recognise the need to offer other options better suited to the circumstances of other niche seller types.

Look forward to hearing more on the subscription models when the particulars are thrashed out and thanks for the response :+1:


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