what is Reversal

Let me ask if I have sold a giftcard to a buyer, he used it and confirmed it works well, but I see Reversal in the wallet and I have lost my giftcards, what do I need to do, I’m confused help

You should contact support by ticket.

If you need help from forum moderators then they need your profile code and Order IDs.

Hello tuannguyen!

Could you please inform me your invite code, order id and ticket number (If you opened one up)?

Thanks for the help galacticarm!

God speed!

:trident: New forum moderators!

my code 9EHNEB , oder id
Buyer name mayamantram
Thank you for help ,(thank you galacticarm

did you notice that the items he sold are prohibited? does that have anything to do with his problem?

I really don’t know if allaskaair is not allowed to sell, I am not intentional, in this case the buyer has bought and used it, he has confirmed it is a good gift, so why reverse my money

help me , plz

Hey tuannguyen,

Unfortunately, the purchases were refunded to the buyer, because the codes that you sold were revoked afterwards from the buyer’s account.

Also, please verify the following link and be aware of the currently allowed non-gaming gift cards: https://gameflip.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002439194-Can-I-Sell-Non-Gaming-Gift-Cards-on-Gameflip-

Further violations will result in the suspension of your account.

God speed!

:trident: New forum moderators!

Hello Oscar_Ha!

Yes I did and it made his problem worse.

God speed!

:trident: New forum moderators!

Buyer used them and confirmed as good, so unfair to me,

In order to prevent the sale of giftcard without permission, you can notify immediately when the seller uploads, especially the new members like me so they can easily see,
When admin announced remove but my giftcard for violating the policy was very bewildering because I was really hard to find the list of banned sales lists until I received help from the forum.
Please help me contact the buyer if the buyer has used it, please pay me because they are valid, all 1000usd is much for me. please help me

May I know how do you do to sell a $300 gift card for $150 aproximately? And a $50 for only $30? I dont wanna say nothing withough proof, but if the codes were revoked after redemption, I would say they were scammed codes or something weird was going on with them.

Remember, all giftcards have a time of active before 2 months, I am a business on giftcard, I bought from my client, now I need money for personal work so I accept Receive them at lower prices so I can get money to be able to do the job. Please tell me if it is a fraudulent giftcard, can you hold for 3 months without any problems?

Can I message with the buyer , how to ?
thanks darkkinght

the gift cards was revoked from the buyers account, so they were obviously stolen, thats why the buyer got his money back, because he didn’t recieve a working gift card in the end…

gift card does not recover, this is the buyer used