New Relevance Sorting Algorithm

Wow! Nice update, really, if you want people to finally leave the site you’re hitting the point, good job, i will leave for sure!

I’m curiously how “Highest seller rating” works on csgo.

i have" Score: 29855 and to see my listing i have to scroll 50 pages of stickers and if i’m lucky there will be my skin. Buyers will get annoyed to scroll all this and they wont buy.


It would be easier if they type in the item they want, or follow you to see your items that you post.

or just maybe for keys and stickers (these are always same) made it as one listing if is same price and when u click on “+” show more, because right now is just one big trash there

I don’t know what you mean. If buyers want to buy from you or an item you have, they will search it or look on your profile.

But many buyers just check first pages, not everyone looks for specific item. That why many buyers will give up after scrolling first few pages. And in csgo you have like 50 pages of stickers.

Oh no. Now it seems like we went two updates back (like it was few months ago), instead of being like it was last week. Now if we select a category, it again shows recent listings as a default (not relevance), but along with non-instant delivery items.

EDIT: You made it great place for non-instant spammers again. Hope you’ll fix it soon.

EDIT 2: I might be wrong. It seems like site is now “remembering” my last search filters.

i don’t know why you keeping change the website to the worst, now the sold out codes from 2 or 3 days ago are shows on the first page and my codes which i just listed them are shows at the end of the page even i’m my codes are the only thing listing on this section!!
my sales are decreasing because of you Thank you gameflip @op_JOkEr

The fact is that i love how they post things like this and then after all the bad feedback they just disappear without saying anything, really professional.

Bot-trades are getting buried as of right now with this algorithm. Please consider prioritizing those or updating so they are still shown. I think this would make many of the sellers in the CS:GO section happy at least. Coordinated transfer is a pain for both parties.

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at least with your update show in the main page the available codes for sale not the sold out from 3 weeks ago or even some are months just because their sellers have high score!!
now the buyer have to scroll all the pages to find the available codes as not all the buyers know the ability to choose on sale only @op_JOkEr

no way, I dont see myself getting visibility, I am the top seller for materials, I dont even show up in relevance. No one is at my level

Yea I figured out the algorithm is actually a mess, not even good for some big sellers lol.
They are killing their own market like this, I’m a new seller but id sell atleast 1-5 items a day. After that I lost it completely cuz none of my listings show up, I tried to adapt but theres actually no way to get through this


I’m not sure what we’re all on about. You can filter the listings exact same way as before, now they’ve just added a new filter. Filter it to most recent and people will find your item easily if they search it.

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is because buyers dont know that.

is not working like you think, bugs.

I mostly deal with games. Before, when I go to Games-Steam section, it was showing latest games by default and only instant delivery. Now default view is “recommended” one, which for me is different every time I refresh my page. If I choose “latest” instead of “recommended”, then I see non-instant delivery spam-fest and only few instant delivery between. So third extra step is needed to see what I want and what should be shown after the first step. That’s too much.

This is for PC, I don’t even feel like testing it on Android now.

Theres like 3 or 4 different pages right now on recommended.
You click once it appears 1 entire page of a high rating seller, if u click again [refresh] it appears the api spam fest like it was before and if u click again once or twice it will lead to a different high rating seller or another page. But it’s not organized at all, it also can happen that 1 person ends up in one recommended page and another in a different one.

I like the new filter options and also the sorting of the personal profile with the last edited first!

there is no alternative to this site.If there was an alternative, I’m sure you’d be there…but not…

so you’re still here.
these people are professional.the site is very nice.
page structure is very nice.Very easy to give sales.gameflip number 1


yes someone who i can relate to wassup my guy GAMEFLIP #1 baby hell yea