Recently there was a surge in purchases of bot-trade based skins on Gameflip that sparked discussions across multiple channels such as our social media, Steam and forum. I’m here to address these.
We just finalized a comprehensive sales analysis and I’d like to share that there’s no fraudulent activity happening and that it’s completely safe to keep listing your skins via BOT Trade or selling any other item on Gameflip.
These purchases came from a combination of new buyers who discovered Gameflip via our marketing campaigns and the sellers whose items were bought and got the cash reinvested in more skin purchases. These new buyers have been checked and should pose no threat to any Gameflip user.
Could you explain why so many sellers are experiencing longer cash outs and are all needing approval? Ive never had a hold in the past and you have more inforation about me than any bank. Recently a bank cash out was denied without explanation due to that apparently no longer working and now my cash outs along with those of many other long term sellers are being held. That’s what worries me most. The amount displayed in our balance means nothing unless we are able to cash it out or buy items at a somewhat reasonable price.
Also it’s a terrible investment at 2-3x market price and I haven’t found many trying to reinvest, just many wanting to cash out or buying market price to mark up 2-3x. How can $5 a key be a good investment when countless sites including the steam marketplace and game itself sell it for half that with no limit on supply?
Between the buyers, sellers, gameflip, and the source of the funds it seems like at least one of those four is losing thousands of dollars.
What do you mean by “all needing approval”? Our PayPal and Bitcoin payouts didn’t change anything. Bank transfers have been restricted, but as addressed before in this forum, our provider is making a switch which we don’t control and we apologize for the issues this is causing.
I know. We’re not a store, we’re a marketplace. We’re currently working on the aftermath, so we can make sure sellers are selling for fair prices and buyers have good deals to browse.
It’s not, but we’re working right now to make the inventory and price of skins available on Gameflip competitive again.
I was saying that if u were thinking about cashing out, you should probably do that because who knows when you are going to get items sold at that price again. I am not the buyer, nor do I know his motive. I have talked to the buyer and he has told me when he will start to buy again but I don’t have control over when he does.
Why are PayPal cashouts delayed? They are always done within hours after the request, but now its been almost 2 days after a request and no cashout has been issued? If everything is fine then why delay cashouts???
I removed my comment yesterday but it’s now been over 2 days with no payouts for me and many others. With them not putting any stop but just lowering the prices for sketchy buyers it seems pretty bleak for those of us with large balances.